News | May 5, 2006

SmartCode Corp. Announces The World's First Five Cent RFID Tag

The race for the 5 Cent RFID tag is over. SmartCode Corp. has won the race for the 5 cent RFID tag - the Holy Grail of the RFID Industry. The Company which is the world leader in low cost, high performance RFID hardware solutions has outperformed any other company in the field.

SmartCode Corp., the world's leading manufacturer of low cost, high performance RFID hardware solutions announced today, at the 2006 RFID Journal Live conference that it will offer the world's first 5 cent RFID tags.

This historical milestone puts SmartCode as the first ever company in the world to reach the 5 cent tag, ahead of any other company in the field. Since the formation of the EPC standard in 1999, the target tag price for a sustainable, ROI driven RFID market was greatly depended on the availability of the 5 cent RFID tags.

In the course of the past 7 years, the 5 cent target was considered as a true technological challenge for the RFID industry, and SmartCode - The RFID Company™ is the first ever company to offer these RFID tags in these prices.

"SmartCode™ Corp. is delighted with reaching this remarkable milestone of the world's first 5 cent RFID tag." said Avi Ofer, SmartCode™ Corp. President "With no other Pure Play RFID Company offering such a variety of RFID solutions, both Passive and Active, including LF, HF, UHF and Microwave, supporting multiple international standards and operating Globally with an established presence in the US, Europe and Asia, SmartCode is well positioned to continue its global leadership in this rapidly growing, multi billion dollar market. SmartCode world's first 5 cent RFID tag further demonstrates our technological superiority and our unique leadership position as being second to none in the market."

Available in quantities of 100 million tags, the world's first 5 cent RFID tags provide an important path to the mass adoption of RFID worldwide. Suppliers of Wal Mart, Department of Defense, Target Corp., Albertson's, Tesco in the UK and Metro in Germany can now have a reliable, low cost source for their pallet, case and item level tagging with a clear path to justify Return On Investment (ROI) for RFID.

The introduction of RFID in the supply chain is widely regarded as the replacement to barcodes in tracking goods. Unlike barcode systems, RFID does not require line-of-sight or any other orientation from the tag's side and greatly reduces the manual costs associated with the reading of each barcode label. RFID tags possess a unique ID that enables them to store information about the product, like features and manufacturing date. Based on research of the Auto ID Center in MIT, which later became EPCglobal, the demand for low cost RFID tags with a 5 cent price tag, have indicated a huge demand from world leading retailers and manufacturers. The Auto ID Center have created a demand table for the estimated number of RFID tags to be used by retailers and manufacturers worldwide.

About SmartCode Corp.
SmartCode™ Corp. is a world leading low cost, high performance EPC RFID manufacturer with revolutionary, patented, and cost effective RFID manufacturing processes. Our patented technologies enable the manufacturing of very large quantities of RFID tags at a fraction of the cost of today's traditional RFID processes. SmartCode™ Corp. introduces a cost-effective approach to dramatically reducing our clients Total Cost of Operation (TCO) thus increasing their Return On Investment (ROI). Highly affordable RFID solutions from SmartCode™ enable companies to receive 100% real time visibility of their products across their entire supply chain. SmartCode™ Corp. is headquartered in New York, NY with offices in London, Silicon Valley, London, Hong Kong and a R&D Center in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

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