News | October 19, 2006

RFID Gen2 Interrogator: OMRON Starts Shipments Of Production Model V750 Gen2 Interrogator

New UHF EPC Class1 Generation 2 reader is available for shipment on October 24

Omron RFID ( today announced the availability of it new EPC Gen2 V750 interrogator for the US market as an expansion of Omron's EPC UHF interrogator product line.

The interrogator platform is designed to deliver the highest performance such as a 600feet/min conveyor read, the fastest possible standard reading/writing with Gen2 and the highest sensitivity Mono-static interrogator. The EPC Gen2 V750 interrogator features a real time operating system (OS), easy user set up, advanced diagnostics, self execution mode plus a unique RF environmental monitoring function.

To ensure future expandability, the V750 is designed for easy file transfer upgrades to the firmware and for installation of additional functions such as optional scanning antenna technology control.

About Omron:
Omron Corporation is a global leader in the field of automation with $5.7 billion in annual revenue. Established in 1933 Omron has more than 26,000 employees in over 35 countries. Omron has been in the RFID business for over 20 years. An EPCglobal member, Omron offers a wide range of RFID products including inlays and readers for HF (13.56 MHZ), UHF (860-960MHz) and other frequencies. For more information, write to, visit the Web site at or contact Omron's regional offices: USA +1-888-303-RFID (7343), Japan +81-3-5435-2016, China +86-21-5888-1666 and EU +31-235681200.